Each week we will report on whole school attendance. Can I please take this opportunity to remind you of expectations at this time of year.
If your child is too unwell to attend school, please ring the school office before 8.50am.
We understand that children do get ill sometimes. If we are concerned that your child is missing a lot of school that you are reporting as an illness, we will contact you to get more information, try and find out what is happening and discuss whether we can put support in place at school, or support you with referrals for help from other professionals.
Attending a medical or dental appointment will be counted as authorised as long as the child’s parent/carer notifies the school in advance of the appointment. We encourage parents/carers to make medical and dental appointments outside of school hours when possible. Where this is not possible, the child should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary and attend school before and after the appointment unless this is impossible.
The government does not allow authorisation of absences for holidays. Under exceptional circumstances, the Headteacher may agree to a leave of absence. We need parents/carers to complete a form as far in advance as possible of the requested absence. These requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Headteacher who will, in turn, liaise with Headteacher(s) of siblings’ schools. The Headteacher will consider every request individually. The decision of the Headteacher is final and, if the leave of absence is not agreed, the child’s/young person’s absences will be marked as unauthorised.
Your child arriving on time is really important to us. School starts at 8.40am and the door will close at 8.45am, so the children can be registered and be in the hall for our daily assembly. If you arrive late, your child will need to come through the school office. If they arrive after 8.45am they will be marked as late on the register. If they arrive after 9am it will be marked as an unauthorised absence. If there is something affecting your child’s arrival time at school, please talk to us and see if we can help.