Message from the Headteacher
It has been another busy week for the children and staff this week. The children in KS1 have been getting to know the teacher and children in their Phonics group and the staff had their refresher First aid training course last night with a fish and chip supper.
On Wednesday evening we had our first governors meeting of the year. We are very lucky to have a very dedicated board of Governors. The Governing Body is made up of Staff/Teachers, Parents, Community Members, Foundation and Local Authority Staff.
Governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of a school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable their school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children. We currently have a vacancy for a parent Governor. If you are interested please contact me or maybe approach Miranda Millan, a current Parent Governor on the playground.
If being a Governor doesn't appeal maybe you would like to join the PTA meetings. Covid-19 has meant we have only been able to run very limited PTA events, which has had a knock-on effect on the fundraising for the school. In the past the PTA have contributed towards resources for the school, coaches to take children on school trips amongst many other extras that the school simply can't afford. You are all automatically members of the PTA as parents and carers of the school and if you come to a meeting you will find out that you can contribute in any way you can. This may involve making poster for an event, running a stall or sourcing raffle prizes. It can also be a great way to get to know other parents. It would be great to see as many of you as possible on Wednesday 6th October at 3.15pm. There will be a creche for your children if you need childcare.
Thank you as always for your support,
Kerry Devane