Parenting Tip
The issue of anger has come up a lot this week. It can be tricky to manage. Many children (and adults!) struggle to see the difference between an angry feeling and an angry action, like hitting or shouting. How can parents help?
The most important way to help is to model good anger management yourself. Although we usually protect children from adult concerns, it's okay to let them see you deal appropriately with frustration.
For example - "Wow look at me getting all hot and bothered! I'm cross that car stopped suddenly in front of me. It made me feel scared and cross! I need to breathe and count to five!"
Or, if stuff happens because no one is perfect! - "I'm sorry you heard me shouting. I got cross, but it's not okay to shout. I need to calm myself down".
If any parents have got any tips they'd like to share, we'd love to include them in the newsletter. I often nab the good ideas I hear from parents I work with!
Amanda Thorpe - PFSA