Message from the Headteacher
Dear Parents/Carers,
I think it is safe to say we are now in the depths of Winter. Please can you remember to send your child wearing a warm coat and a hat, so they can go outside at playtime safely. Can I also remind you to name your child's belongings. We have lost property that arrives every day at school and most of it isn't named.
If you have any photos of your family in the snow, please send them to me for our Winter display.
We are planning to hold this term's 'Curriculum Open Afternoon' on Tuesday 30th of January, 2-3pm. This is a chance for you to visit different classes in the school and see our curriculum offer. Please do come along. Teachers will be sharing books, resources and digital floorbooks.
We have recently been looking at pupil progress across the school and deciding what we need to prioritise to get the best possible outcomes for our children. We will be delivering Phonics workshop this half-term, so parents can learn strategies to support their child at home. You will be invited to the workshop that is targeted at your child's reading level. Please look out for invitations.
Please stay warm and safe this weekend.
Thank you for your support,
Kerry Devane