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St. John's C of E VC Infants' School

'Let your light shine'
Matthew 5:16



Starting School

Children starting school for the first time, are normally expected to join in the September following their fourth birthday, therefore children who turn 4 between 1st September 2023 and 31st August 2024 are entitled to start school in September 2024. Parents and Carers can apply for a place from September 2023. To apply for a school place for 2024, please visit the link below.

The deadline for applications has now passed, but you can still make a late application using this link.

Click here to apply online.

St John's is a VC (Voluntary Controlled) school and therefore the admission arrangements are set by Somerset Local Authority. Please click here for further information on the admission arrangements.

Children who have siblings at the school or who attend Jumping John's Nursery will not automatically be given a place. You MUST apply to Somerset County Council.
When applying online, the system will automatically populate your postcode. However, to ensure all the schools in your area are listed, you will need to select 'Somerset' as your region. If you have any difficulty locating St John‘s CofE VC Infants School, you can also search for the school by name.

Where an application has been refused in any year group, the child will be placed on a waiting list. This will be kept strictly in order of oversubscription criteria by the Local Authority, as the Admission Authority. The child will remain on the waiting list until the end of the academic year in which the application was refused. Parents are responsible for informing the Admission Authority of any changes in their circumstances which could affect their place on the waiting list.

Information on the local authority appeals process can be found here.

Transferring from another School

If you are moving into the area you can apply directly to school for a school place. This is done using an In Year Application Form, attached below. 

Any further queries, please contact the school office on 01458 832085 or by emailing