Pupil Premium
The government issues additional funding to schools in the form of a Pupil Premium Grant. The grant is calculated by taking into account a number of factors including, the area in which the school is located, the number of pupils who receive free school meals linked to low income and the number of children looked after by the local authority.
The school is dedicated to ensure the grant supports the children with the greatest need.
The funding received has been allocated in the following ways to:-
- employ an extra teaching assistant to support children identified as underachieving in literacy.
- purchase additional support materials for literacy (Read Write Inc)
- employ two part time learning mentors to support children requiring additional social and emotional support. This is offered during a dedicated nurture group session run each afternoon. Children’s social skills improve greatly from these small group sessions.
- subsidise after school clubs, to develop new skills, self-confidence and to work collaboratively in mixed age groups.
In addition to the grant, the school allocates funding from its annual budget to facilitate intervention programmes. These support children to reach age expected standards in literacy. We achieve this by employing learning support assistants, who are specifically trained to enable the children to make good progress.
To apply for Pupil Premium finding for your child, please complete the application form attached below. (UIFSM Form)